Commercial Code

BDO Korea provides professional advisory service for the matters you may face while doing business in Korea. Please see the following Q&As frequently asked from multinational companies and feel free to contact us for further information.

01. Comparison of corporation, branch and representative office: 연락사무소/지점/법인의 차이점

02. Differences among stock corporation, limited company and limited liability company: 주식회사/유한회사/유한책임회사의 차이점

03. Statutory audit requirements: 외부감사의 대상법인 (주식회사/유한회사)

04. Establishment of a foreign company’s domestic branch: 지점설립절차 및 필요서류

05. Establishment of local corporation: 법인설립절차 및 필요서류

06. Closing of a branch and repatriation of funds: 지점해산 절차 및 필요서류

07. Liquidation procedures and the related tax returns: 법인청산 절차 및 필요서류

** The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not an official opinion. The statement and references in this document are not verified, thus there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate, reliable, and complete as of the date you read. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. Any commercial use of this information is prohibited without our prior consent.